Saturday, May 24, 2008

my autobiography

ATTENTION :this autobiography is written in haste, i`ll promise to edit it ASAP.i was born in november 27th 1987. there are 5 of us in the family, my parents a brother a sisiter and me .my brother is 29 and my sister is 27.
i dont remember anything from my no one else would remember suchmemories...but what i have always had in my mind is a simple image of my childhood in which a girl of about 3 years old is surrounded by 2 other stingy girls trying to steal her doll from her...and a shy girl is powerless in order to defeat herself.i feel i was born like i have always needed some body to protect me from my weaknesses.
as a 7 year old student i was the most clever one in the class.later on i had been really successfull in the proccess of learning and being a student that i soon became a model for the other students and was climbing the ladders of success.besides i was saving my role as a playfull child after finishing the school hours...what i know from my self the most was keeping the relation ships with boys..may be i couldnt understand that I was growing up,and that my life, my surroundings, my world and .... is going to be different from the boys,I was friends with them, behaving as if they are my girl friends...but that was what i was used to,I couldn`t believe that i`m different !!i were a fantastic football player just as boyswere for my age ..i were too bony and in a real good shape just as they were...constantly i would consider my self like the boys..ages past and I understood that I should keep my world apart from them….finally me the boyish girl departed that world soon and started to be more of a girl…being a real ambitious gir I started fighting for what I wanted..i was unbelievingly good at school, teachers loved me and I were their real assistant in classes.i had continued english from when I was 8 years old and I was going to enter Kish language school to become kids english teacher. After a while I started my career when I was only 16 years old. Entering a new world …this time surrounded by friends and colleagues who were both my friends and my parents as they were all grownups.i think those ages kept me really far from a teenager…I used to behave like my colleagues, like older ones and being well behaved and diciplined…generally far from a naughty teenager…this made me so independent and powerfull. It might be actually fine as I don’t really think that I will need anybody to assist me in the future life even as a husband but on the other hand its ignoring what the parents want, and that is to see their kid choosing the ways they want actullay imposing their ideas..i`m not sure what is going to happen so far..but I hope I will find a good way out.

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